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Pick, Click, Flick!: The Story of Interaction TechniquesMarch 2024
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Published:20 March 2024
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This book provides a comprehensive study of the many ways to interact with computers and computerized devices. An “interaction technique” starts when the user performs an action that causes an electronic device to respond, and includes the direct feedback from the device to the user. Examples include physical buttons and switches, on-screen menus and scrollbars operated by a mouse, touchscreen widgets, gestures such as flick-to-scroll, text entry on computers and touchscreens, input for virtual reality systems, interactions with conversational agents such as Apple Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana, and adaptations of all of these for people with disabilities. Pick, Click, Flick! is written for anyone interested in interaction techniques, including computer scientists and designers working on human-computer interaction, as well as implementers and consumers who want to understand and get the most out of their digital devices.


Pick, Click, Flick! is an impressive reference manual of the many years of interaction design development. It is a reference book, invaluable when questions arise, whether while you are busy designing something, or learning, or teaching, where assigning sections of the reference will be a valuable resource and learning tool for students. Brad Myers has provided a great service to the interaction community.” ‐ Don Norman, Distinguished Prof. Emeritus, Design Lab, University of California, San Diego

“Every UX professional should immerse themselves in this book. Not only does it unravel the fascinating and complex history of GUI widgets that will captivate any user interface nerd, but it also stands as the definitive guide to an incredibly diverse array of interaction techniques. This is not just an engaging read; it’s an essential toolkit.” ‐ Jakob Nielsen, Principal, Nielsen Design Group

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  • Carnegie Mellon University

Index Terms

  1. Pick, Click, Flick!: The Story of Interaction Techniques
      Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.
